The MLA Blue team is here to find clarity and peace of mind when it comes to making sense of the dynamic Real Estate world. In this section, you will find up-to-date articles highlighting latest market news and common questions when it comes to purchasing Real Estate for your primary home or as an investment.
Curious about what it’s like to buy property online after the last year? We asked MLA Sales Director, Richard Klein, how the virtual home buying experience is rapidly evolving to benefit the home buyer.
The news of impending mass immigration has been known for some time — as borders reopen, an influx of fresh residents is expected to arrive in the near future and settle down. In December 2021, Canada announced it reached and exceeded its immigration target welcoming more than 401,000 new permanent residents in 2021, which surpassed the previous record from 1913. This is the most newcomers in a year in Canadian history. With demand already outpacing supply more than ever due to the ongoing pandemic, housing affordability will almost certainly be impacted.
Jeff Greig trail-blazes MLA Canada’s Advisory Department with forward-thinking strategies and a finger on the pulse of several real estate markets across the country.
How much more is a new condo worth if it has a water view? Up to thousands of dollars more, based on study done of Vancouver condominiums by marketing firm MLA Canada.
Any new homebuyer knows that the purchasing process can be time consuming and overwhelming. Navigating legal matters, insurance details, mortgages and moving is often unnecessarily strenuous.
First time homebuyers may be completely new to the concept of purchasing a pre-sale home and what that process entails. Different than a re-sale home, pre-sale developments have their own unique considerations in the real estate world.