The MLA Blue team is here to find clarity and peace of mind when it comes to making sense of the dynamic Real Estate world. In this section, you will find up-to-date articles highlighting latest market news and common questions when it comes to purchasing Real Estate for your primary home or as an investment.
In current market conditions, it’s easy to be consumed by negative headlines on the news speaking to the shift in today’s market. However, it’s rare – and yet crucial – to take a step back and look at the larger picture: one that observes the larger flow of modern-day market cycles.
Any new homebuyer knows that the purchasing process can be time consuming and overwhelming. Navigating legal matters, insurance details, mortgages and moving is often unnecessarily strenuous.
First time homebuyers may be completely new to the concept of purchasing a pre-sale home and what that process entails. Different than a re-sale home, pre-sale developments have their own unique considerations in the real estate world.
Your realtor’s job is to do everything they can to help you in your home buying journey. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take any action at your end.
So, you’ve bought a pre-sale home — congratulations! But the natural question of, “Now what?” may arise. Fortunately, MLA Canada homeowners have a plethora of resources available to guide them through the journey from ground-breaking to move-in. We spoke to Sarah Rasheed, Director of Administration and Customer Care at MLA Canada, about the next steps after putting down a deposit on a future new home.
Buying a pre-sale condo or townhome has its benefits. However, it does require more consideration of different variables, when compared to buying a resale property.